Phytoplankton long time series collected since 1978 in the Senigallia transect (northern Adriatic Sea) allow to relate phytoplankton trends with climate changes, trophic conditions and water masses of Adriatic Sea.
Study of microphytobenthic communities associated to different substrata. Ecology of epipelic microalgae of soft bottoms. Eplithic microphytobenthos associated to natural and artificial substrata.
Study of the complex relationships between diatoms and marine invertebrates: diatoms associated with Antarctic sponges, diatoms epibionthic on marine hydrozoans and molluscs.
The knowledge of systematics of living organisms represents the foundation of any biodiversity study. We are involved in taxonomic revisions of important benthic diatom genera (e.g., Mastogloia, Cocconeis, Diploneis) leading to the description of several new species.
Figura 1. Campionamento con retino da plancton durante una crociera oceanografica. |
Figura 2. Diatomee epibionti sull'idroide Eudendrium racemosum: sono visibili colonie di Licmophora spp. che formano una foresta in miniatura colonizzando tutte la superficie disponibile |
Figura 3. Mastogloia neoborneensis una nuova specie di diatomea bentonica descritta dal nostro gruppo e depositata presso il Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada. |