
Science - Block 2
Research Activity
The main research subjects of the laboratory are physical oceanography, climatology and disaster risk reduction and civil protection. The methodological approaches are multidisciplinary; next to research methods of the physical sciences and earth, socio-cultural approaches are also carried out.
Physics Oceanography and Climatology 
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Observation of physical oceanographic features
Direct measurements and analysis of the main variables that characterize the physical marine environment both in offshore and in coastal area (temperature, salinity, currents, waves)
Climatology and climate change on regional-local scale
In order to provide adaptation and mitigation actions of the effects of climate change on a local scale, it is important to have reliable projections on the expected changes, with particular attention to temperature and precipitation variations and their impact on the environment and on human activities (health, energy, agriculture, transportation, infrastructure, etc.). This line of research aims at increasing the understanding of the climatic conditions and the expected changes at the regional and local scale, possibly overcoming the considerable uncertainty shown by the results of climate models available for these scales.
Relations between marine environment and marine ecosystems
The results of oceanographic measurements and numerical hydrodynamic simulations are coupled with observations of marine ecosystems to study the effects on the latter (for example regarding the transport of eggs and fish larvae, the development of anoxic phenomena, massive appearance of mucilage).
Marine operational forecasting for the civil and environmental protection
The hydrodynamic models and wave motion are applied in an operational manner, in particular to the Adriatic Sea, both in the laboratory and in external research institutions aimed at providing a continuous short-term forecasts (typically 3 days) of particular marine hazards such as storms, coastal flooding, transport of pollutants, anoxia.
Numerical modelling of the marine environment
Application of numerical models for simulation of the marine environment in terms of circulation, level, waves, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, sediment transport.

The laboratory works directly with several national and international institutions (click to directly access to the web page)

National Service of the Civil Protection Regional Service of the Civil Protection
ARPA Marche -  ARPA Emilia-Romagna CNR (ISMAR) Institut
The National Fire Corp Marche Region
US Geological Survey (USA) State Forestry Corp
Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction (IRDR) presso l’University College of London (UK) Disaster Research Center (DRC) presso l’University of Delaware / Newark (USA)
Research Projects currently underway
Study to improve the definition of the expected climate change in this century on a local scale and the resulting expected impacts 
Innovative systems for monitoring and analysis of marine phenomena in coastal area
Quantitative study of the relationship between terrestrial input, marine circulation and successful recruitment of small pelagic fish in the Adriatic, aimed at the sustainable management of the resource Emergency planning activities for persons with disabilities, with the creation of an emergency plan in collaboration with the Santo Stefano Institute of Rehabilitation.
Study and modelling of behaviour of the survivors in the moments immediately following a disaster using cognitive maps Development of a system of early warning for landslides for the Marche Region
Resilience and risk reduction in connection with the UN Hyogo Framework for Action, to develop strategies for planning and emergency management The use of social networks in disaster risk reduction
Resilience and risk reduction in connection with the UN Hyogo Framework for Action, to develop strategies for planning and emergency management  
Dr. Alessandro Coluccelli
Tecnico cat. D
Fulvio Toseroni
Phd Student
Lorenzo Sangelantoni
Post Doc
Francesco Memmola
Phd Student