Progetti di ricerca conclusi
2013 AQUAEXCEL (FP7): new diets in ballan Wrasse culture (I.Olivotto Principal Investigator )
2012-2015-(PRIN2010-2011) Title: Turmoil exerted by endocrine disruptors in vertebrates: emerging aspects in the induction of obesity and reproductive activity alteration (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2012-2015 COST European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research AQUAGAMETE (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2011-2014- Ministero della sanità progetti finalizzati 2009- RF-2009-1536185Title: Food and environmental safety: the problem of the endocrine disruptors (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2011-2013 Ministry of Economic Development. Accordo quadro MiSe-ICE-CRUI prog 210. Innovative processes for the formulation of functional probiotic supplements to promote the welfare and growth of fish species in aquaculture (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2010- -International Research Networking and Collaboration Scheme. Collaboration between the UK, China, Norway and Italy to improve fish health and ensure sustainable aquaculture (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2010-2012 (MIUR) CUP I31J10000050001 (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2009-2010-SFOP 2000/2006-Misura 4.6 "Azioni innovative”- DGRN.457 del 19-04- 06pratica 04 MI 040706. (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2008-2010 PRIN 2008 (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2007 Study of the effects of heat during the food pelleting process on the immunomodulating properties of Ergosan II (Shering Plough Aquacolture) (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2006 Study of the effects of heat during the food pelleting process on the immunomodulating properties of Ergosan I (Shering Plough Aquaculture) (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2006 Molecular study of the effects of Ergosan on salmon affected with pancreatic disease (PD) (Shering Plough Aquaculture) (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2006 Experimental probiotic bacteria for aquaculture species in order to optimize these probiotics for possible future commercial exploitation. (INVE TECHNOLOGIES SA) (O.Carnevali Principal investigator )
2004-2005 SFOP Misura 4.6 “Azione Innovative” Pratica n.02 MI 210604 Bis. Role: Principal investigator
2004 – 2006: ( MIUR) (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2002-2004:Analysis of the effects of gravity and space standing on the reproduction success of a fresh-water fish: determination of predictive markers (“Agenzia Spaziale Italiana” Italian Space Agency - ASI ) (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2005 Modulation of gene expression by Ergosan and UCL1 (Shering Plough Aquaculture) (O.Carnevali Principal investigator)
2003-2005: Towards cryopreservation of fish oocytes: studies on oocyte envelopes and hydration processes during oocyte maturation" CRYOCYTE- EU-FP6 (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)
2003-2004 (MIUR) Lysosomal enzymes involved in aquatic organisms oocytes maturation (O.Carnevali Co-investigator)